Every girl dreams of her wedding and the curiosity associated with it. The word "wedding" brings forward so many emotions in just a few seconds, happiness to be with the person you love, the pain of leaving your parents behind, the curiosity of your new life, the fear of compromises and adjustment, phew!!!
Image courtesy: www.sodahead.com
And then, it's the happiness to be with your love for the rest of your life that wins all over your fears, inhibitions and the sadness. It is the thought of starting a new life, your life, together! It is difficult to explain how it feels as the wedding day is almost there, with so much going around you, shopping, bookings, work, stress, and the list continues...
The more days are passing, the more irritated I am, almost everytime, without a logical reason (Poor hubby Mr. R has to bear the consequences... Love you for that :*)
I shout without any reason, I tend to get a lot of mood swings, I think a lot, I over-plan, and when things do not work my way, I get furious. I am not sure whether it happens with all the brides-to-be, or whether it is only with me. Whatever it is, I was not like this before, and trust me, I do not want to be like this. Will surely try to control the mood swings and give some happiness to Mr. R.
Besides the mood swings, it is all a happy-happy feeling, the feeling of a bride-to-be. This is undoubtedly the best phase in a girl's life, with all the pampering that she gets from her family and the extended family. You get everything you want, all your wishes are fulfilled. The parents who never allowed splurging, happily let you go your way, feels amazing.
The courtship days are truly the best days in a relationship. This is the time when your relation with your partner grows, the never-ending trust develops, this is your "WE" time, the time nobody can take from you, the time nobody can ever return you. Each day is beautiful and special in its own way. Something new happens everyday, something brings us closer everyday. Everyday you realize how important that person is for you, how incomplete you are without him/her. No one can actually describe the feeling. (So Mr. R, if you are reading it, I LOVE YOU...)
I am looking forward the rest of the days left before my wedding, to see what surprises life has for me. And yes, it is 98 days to go!!!
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